Venise art advisor

En profitant de la 59e Exposition internationale d’art de la Biennale de Venise, L’Altra Venezia vous offre une visite des galeries d’art contemporain menée par une Art Advisor, qui vous guidera dans la compréhension des expositions en cours et à la découverte des artistes italiens et internationaux les plus intéressants pour chaque galerie. Pourquoi visiter […]

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Venice art advisor

L’Altra Venezia proposes a visit to the contemporary art galleries led by an Art Advisor, who will guide you in comprehending the current exhibitions and discovering the most interesting Italian and international artists in each gallery. Why should you visit a private gallery with an art advisor? The Venice Art Advisor is a contemporary art specialist […]

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Venice contemporary art

Venice is synonymous with art, but we often limit ourselves to considering past artworks, forgetting that Venice is also important as a laboratory and international showcase of contemporary art. The Venice contemporary art tour is designed for those people who intend to approach for the first time, to better understand languages and styles of art […]

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Tour à Venise pour personnes à mobilité réduite

Il s’agit d’itinéraires structurés pour être accessibles aux fauteuils roulants. Ce sont des parcours qui peuvent se dérouler ou seulement en bateau, le long de la lagune de Venise, ou mixtes, en bateau et en ville, le long de parcours sans barrières architecturales, identifiés par la Commune de Venise. Le bateau utilisé a été spécialement […]

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Tour of Venice for disabled

These tours are designed to be wheelchair accessible. These itineraries can take place either by boat, along the lagoon of Venice, or mixed by boat and in the city, along paths without architectural barriers identified by the City of Venice. The boat we use has been specially designed to allow an easy climb and descent […]

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Tour a Venezia per disabili

Si tratta di itinerari strutturati per essere accessibili a disabili in carrozzina. Sono percorsi che possono svolgersi o solo in barca, lungo la laguna di Venezia, o misti, in barca e in città, lungo percorsi senza barriere architettoniche individuati dal Comune di Venezia. L’imbarcazione utilizzata è stata realizzata appositamente per permettere una facile salita e […]

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Venice home restaurant

An intimate dinner in a bright apartment on the top floor of a sixteenth-century building in Campo San Pantalon, Venice. Seated at the beautiful fratina (late 19th-century table) in the house once owned by the noble Loredan family, various dishes from Venetian recipes will be served with a modern twist. Guests will be able to […]

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Cena privata a Venezia

Una nuova esperienza gastronomica: cena privata in un palazzo veneziano. Una cena intima in un luminoso appartamento all’ultimo piano di un palazzo cinquecentesco con vista su un canale. Seduti alla bella fratina (tavolo tardo Ottocento) nella casa un tempo di proprietà della famiglia nobile Loredan, verranno servite diverse pietanze provenienti da ricette venete rivisitate in […]

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Tour en vélo dans les îles de Venise

Venise et sa lagune offrent de nombreuses façons d’être appréciées, dont l’un, peut-être le moins connu, est à vélo. Dans la ville de Venise est en fait interdit de circuler à vélo, mais les amateurs de ce milieu écologique peuvent profiter d’une magnifique excursion sur une île de la lagune. En se déplaçant entre des […]

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Tour in bicicletta nelle isole di Venezia

Venezia e la sua laguna offrono numerosi modi per poter essere apprezzate, uno tra questi, forse il meno conosciuto, è in bicicletta. In Venezia città è in realtà vietato circolare in bicicletta, ma gli amanti di questo mezzo ecologico possono godersi una magnifica gita su un’isola. Muovendosi tra paesaggi di natura quasi incontaminata, scegliendo tra […]

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